Porn isn't just a "personal" thing. One's porn use hurts others, too.
It negatively affects one's marriage and other relationships physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. These effects can possibly lead to divorce and/or broken relationships.
It fuels rape and sexual assault.
It fuels infidelity.
Read about it HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE
(and you'll find more if you search for it)
Porn fuels bad sexual habits for teens and young people. It is an issue related to the epidemic of sexting and child-on-child sexual abuse. Kids and teens are getting sex education by watching porn. Is that really where we want our children learning about sex? It is often violent, grotesque, physically and verbally abusive toward women and very unrealistic.
Find out more about the lies of the porn industry HERE (Trigger Warning! Some detailed content discussed) and HERE and other info HERE
It negatively affects one's marriage and other relationships physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. These effects can possibly lead to divorce and/or broken relationships.
It fuels rape and sexual assault.
It fuels infidelity.
Read about it HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE
(and you'll find more if you search for it)
Porn fuels bad sexual habits for teens and young people. It is an issue related to the epidemic of sexting and child-on-child sexual abuse. Kids and teens are getting sex education by watching porn. Is that really where we want our children learning about sex? It is often violent, grotesque, physically and verbally abusive toward women and very unrealistic.
Find out more about the lies of the porn industry HERE (Trigger Warning! Some detailed content discussed) and HERE and other info HERE
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