Here are the 3 billboards we put up in pottstown
Here is a local counseling center that can help you:
Integrity Christian Counseling (Local to Pottstown, PA)
To provide compassionate and competent soul care, which reflects the heart of Christ, to our community through professional psychotherapy and counseling.
Sexaholics Anonymous
Find a meeting near you HERE
Integrity Christian Counseling (Local to Pottstown, PA)
To provide compassionate and competent soul care, which reflects the heart of Christ, to our community through professional psychotherapy and counseling.
Sexaholics Anonymous
Find a meeting near you HERE
Offering Christ based solutions to life- dominating addictions.
· Religious organization 2675 East High St., Pottstown, PA, United States, Pennsylvania (610) 326-8794 [email protected] |
Visit our Counseling and Accountability page for resources to quit porn.
Give via the QR code or PayPal. These payment options belong to the Chester County Anti-trafficking Coalition. They are the fiscal agent of Pass On the Truth.
Your gift is tax deductible. |
(When you get to the page, click the button to change "Use this donation for CCAT Mission" to "Pass On The Truth")